Qualcomm Integrates Its Oracle Instance and Improves Visibility across APAC Operations

IT Convergence (ITC) helped roll out Oracle and R12.1.3 Financials and Procure to Pay modules to Qualcomm’s 15 entities in China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.


Being a large global company, Qualcomm had been using different financial instances for each country, and suffered from a one-month delay  or generating consolidated financial reporting. To provide complete visibility of finances in each country, Qualcomm needed to replace the local disparate accounting and transaction processing systems with a single instance of Oracle “Corp Oracle” that complies with both corporate US GAAP accounting and local regulatory/ statutory reporting requirements. Qualcomm selected IT Convergence to handle the rollout project management, functional and technical support because of IT Convergence’s proven experience in complying with local statutory requirements and its ability to bridge the gap between Qualcomm US and its local operations.


In order to fulfill the local legal and statutory requirements, ITC implemented Oracle localizations for all the involved countries. ITC was fully responsiblefor leading and supporting all testing cycle data conversion from the legacy system, and also provided post-production support. The team was successful in building a reusable Best Practice project solution, which was later used in the rollouts to other Qualcomm entities. The project went live on time, on budget, and with high customer acceptance on deliverables. Qualcomm now has an integrated system for all global operations, and a very stable Oracle production environment.


Company Overview

Qualcomm Inc. is an American multinational semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company based in San Diego, CA. The company designs and markets wireless telecommunications products and services.
