Benefits of leveraging Oracle CSPE for Cloud Projects

October 13, 2021
A cloud strategy or as a matter-of-fact multicloud strategy is becoming inevitable for most global enterprises, but it brings security, integration, cost and governance challenges.
IDC Insights
60% Enterprise IT infrastructure spending will be allocated to public cloud by 2025
86% of cloud consumers expect their spend on OCI to increase in the future

The 2020 pandemic caused the most disruptive period of this millennium, but it also
demonstrated the monumental power and importance of cloud technology. Interest around cloud has increased in the wake of dramatic business imperative shifts instigated by COVID-19.

However, while many organizations have started to seize the technical advantages of cloud in some applications, far fewer have unlocked the full potential of cloud in support of business transformation. Organizations are also discovering that harnessing cloud’s strengths at scale requires a more comprehensive, business-aligned cloud strategy which cannot be fulfilled without a trust-worthy Cloud certified partner who aligns with the cloud strategy of your organization.

Read this Gartner report, where it recommends engaging cloud certified expert partners to leverage the advantages of cloud faster and in the most optimum cost efficient manner.

Who are Oracle CSPE Partners?

Cloud Services Providers Expertise (CSPE) is Oracle’s latest cloud certification.

Achieving this certification enables partners with expertise in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), ensuring clients get the fastest go-to-market with first-time right solutions while migrating their critical applications to Oracle’s IaaS & PaaS services.

Why Engage an Oracle CSPE for Cloud Migration?

An Oracle’s Cloud Solutions Provider Expertise (CSPE) has expertise to:

  • Plan, Build, Migrate, & Manage (services) your critical application on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI),
  • For Oracle & Non-Oracle workloads,
  • Under 1 contract & 1 Point of Contact,
  • And, can manage your entire Oracle relationship on your behalf.

Benefits of Engaging an Oracle CSPE like IT Convergence

Along with 20 years of in depth Oracle Application experience, IT convergence Helps you improve operational efficiencies, Getting first-time-right solutions thereby saving time and money.
We are now Oracle Certified CSPE – One out of only 7 certified partners in North America.
OCI certified company & personnel OCI IP, Scripting & Automation for EBS Bundled OCI IaaS, OCI PaaS & ITC PaaS solutions with flexible solution design 
Productivity gains resulting in lower labor requirements Inflight database upgrades & operating system migrations Getting first-time-right solutions

With you Every Step of Your Journey

  • Gartner Recognition for 10 years (2012-2021)
  • Extensive expertise of 20 years in length & breaths of Oracle services.
  • 1100 enterprise customers globally, 1/3rd of Fortune 500 companies
  • Oracle Platinum Partner and Oracle Excellence Awards Recipient
  • Oracle Cloud Excellence Implementer (CEI)

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