ERP Data Growth Methods: ‘Archive and Purge’ vs. Database Compression

October 5, 2020

Growth in data volumes can be driven by numerous factors, and pressuring the storage capabilities of your live production database for too long will end up cluttering the performance of your systems. In many cases, data is even never used and is simply just stored. Besides IT costs, decelerated system performance also leads to complex system management i,e a significant increase in time for maintenance activities, such as patching, backup, recovery, and cloning.

Ideally, you want to run your database as lean as possible by getting rid of waste and keeping the relevant data for your business processes.

Adding compute and memory is always an option, which comes with heavy additional costs. The other 2 most powerful and cost-effective options are 1) ERP Database Cleaning with ‘Archive & Purge’ & 2) Data Compression. Both of these come with their own sets of limitations and advantages which the organization needs to factor in their Information Life Cycle Management (ILM) Plan.

Difference between Data ‘Archive & Purge’ & Data Compression.

Data Compression

  • Data Compression is more Technology-driven and would not have any involvement with other business data stakeholders.
  • Comes with additional cost in a tool for advanced compression along with stress on current compute, network, and storage of the unused data.
  • Retaining old data beyond regulatory limits, and those needed for ongoing business operations can pose a risk in case of litigation.

Data ‘Archive & Purge’

  • Data ‘Archive & Purge’ requires interdependencies between the IT and business data owner.
  • Deleting obsolete data during the archive and purge process helps maximize the utilization of existing resources and minimizes time to run maintenance activities only on the relevant data.
  • It can be executed through tools like Oracle ILM / Application or through ITC developed proprietary custom scripts to save the cost of recurring clean-up.


While data compression still retains the unused data which has no relevance to legal or business, in production and has an impact on resources, the best way is to Archive and purge the unused data and save on significant time in executing maintenance activities, such as patching, backup, recovery, and cloning. Archive and Purge Now click here for your free assessment of your ERP database.

It is important to understand your organization’s environmental triggers where ERP Database Cleaning through archive & Purge can be most effective.

ITC Value Addition for your ERP Database Cleaning with Archive and Purge

ITC’s Oracle experts can help you improve your ERP performance through its Archive and Purge services for redundant ERP data, languages, or profiles & help save costs of retaining and managing them in your production or data warehouse, without the need to invest in any additional tool.

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