How HR Analytics Can Reduce Employee Attrition

June 30, 2022

From recruitment to retention, HR analytics is helping companies find and retain the right people to support their needs. Employee attrition analytics can help HR team retain the valuable work force and save money and time.


HR analytics can help you retain your good employees and save you the costs and effort of finding a suitable replacement. Analytics provides more holistic data about candidates before hiring them, helping HR teams understand whether a potential hire will fit the organization well. Analytics offers deep insights into a candidate’s employment history and other related factors that can help determine if they are likely to be a suitable long-term match.

Employee Engagement

HR analytics can also improve employee engagement, help you nurture more dedicated employees and reduce attrition. By reviewing year-on-year performance and other metrics, you can easily understand which employees are performing well and identify the factors supporting their performance. HR analytics can help you identify what’s working and what’s not.

Feedback Analysis

Collecting and analyzing data during performance reviews and exit interviews helps understand the reasons for employee attrition, why they don’t feel appreciated, and how you can do better. Feedback is crucial for success and HR analytics helps you analyze this data, interpret it and leverage it to tackle challenges.

Job Description Analysis

Employers are interested in understanding how each job role adds value to the organization. There is a greater focus on this in competitive markets where cutting costs and increasing profits have become essential for survival. Often, a new position is not needed, or the description needs to be updated to match the current requirements. One way of reducing future employee attrition is to keep the job descriptions current by analyzing all the factors that may impact the position. HR analytics helps you understand the importance of each role in your organization by evaluating key factors such as: Is the job necessary? Can the current team handle the work? Is there a more cost-effective way to do this? Do we need a full-time, part-time, or contract employee?

Employment History

HR teams are looking for patterns in an employee’s resume to predict if they would fit into the role and remain with the organization for a long time. HR analytics can help you analyze data to understand the employment history of a potential candidate to predict how long they are likely to work for the company and make an informed decision while hiring them.

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