Going Mobile with Oracle R12.2

April 7, 2016

Collaborate 2016 is a just few days away. IT Convergence’s Chief Technology Officer, Gustavo Gonzalez, will be presenting on several topics during the conference. Today, we’ll take a sneak peek at one of these topics: EBS Oracle 12.2 Mobile Apps.

Why Oracle 12.2 Mobile Apps?

Oracle has been continuously focusing on improving user experience; recently, they launched new smartphone applications that use a modern interface, aiming to transform the way in which you interact with EBS. This new interface will increase your productivity and improve your business processes.

Types of EBS Smartphone Apps

  • Line of Business Applications
    • Works one-to-one with modules
  • Horizontal Applications
    • Works with multiple models

Oracle R12.2 Mobile Applications

Approvals – This supports approvals for your business expenses, requisitions, purchase orders, recruitment, timecards and item changes. It also allows you to approve or reject without requiring further information

Mobile R12.2 Approvals

Time Cards – This captures time entries for Oracle Payroll and Oracle Projects applications. Simple interface and doesn’t require you to train for anything new.

Timecards Mobile Oracle R12.2

Fusion Expenses – Many items can help your organization comply with different policies on your expenses

Fusion Expenses Mobile Oracle 12.2
Oracle 12.2 Mobile Apps

iProcurement – You are able to check on the status of your requisitions, which benefits supply chain companies.

Mobile Inventory – This allows you to view inventory, material movements, and track unreceived products from different locations. You can check bar code information using your phone camera.

Mobile Inventory Oracle R12.2


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