Understanding the Importance of Oracle ERP Cloud Training

August 14, 2020

When we talk about what makes an Oracle ERP Cloud implementation successful, we need to talk about how critical it is to ensure users commit to the change that leads to successful digital adoption. In this blog, we’ll go over the reasons why companies need to incorporate an Oracle ERP Cloud training strategy into their implementation projects.

Why Do You Need Oracle ERP Cloud Training?

Oracle Cloud Applications (ERP Cloud, HCM Cloud, SCM, CX, EPM Cloud) are complete, innovative, and proven solutions that enable modern business transformations. But if there’s one thing that will make your make or break your implementations is whether or not users adopt the technology.

Companies who rush into moving to the cloud without proper training strategies in place, find themselves dealing with poor performance and ROI, all due to poor user adoption.

Why is driving Cloud adoption so challenging? Ensuring the adoption of Oracle ERP cloud, or any Oracle Cloud solution, is a big undertaking for two main reasons:

  1. Moving from on-premise to cloud-based applications is a major change. It requires a shift in mindset.  In order to fully take advantage of all the capabilities Oracle ERP Cloud delivers, companies must adjust their business processes and policies and adopt new ones. These changes, while they improve the business, alter the way that people do their day to day work.
  2. Oracle ERP Cloud is a robust software suite, with numerous fields and screens serving a variety of business functions and roles – all of which take time to master.

Benefits of Deploying Oracle ERP Cloud Training

An IDC report from 2017 on the impact of training on the acceleration of cloud strategy, established clear advantages for companies that invest in training for the cloud vs. those that don’t. Specifically, companies that train their core teams achieved 90% of their business and project milestones vs. 50% attainment for untrained teams. When looking into user adoption, 82% of organizations with well-trained teams reported satisfaction with the adoption rate of their solution, vs. only 60% that are not well trained.

Oracle ERP Cloud is only as good as the people who use it, and the features and capabilities it provides can quite quickly become useless if your employees don’t know how to use them correctly. Oracle Cloud applications have an intuitive user interface but that’s only a part of the equation. To be effective in any technology, you need to be trained in that technology. Here are some benefits of deploying Oracle ERP Cloud Training efforts:

  • Improve User Adoption Rates
  • Shorten time-to-competency
  • Accelerate onboarding and increase ROI
  • Simplify user experience to reduce resistance to change
  • Accelerate user adoption
  • Make users more autonomous and efficient
  • Increase productivity
  • Secure the processes
  • Facilitate your business transformation

Moving to Oracle ERP Cloud? Ensure your move to the cloud is successful?

As more and more companies move to Oracle Cloud Applications, like ERP Cloud, one thing remains clear: employees need to be empowered to embrace the change through training and change management.  A well-planned ERP Cloud training strategy can help make – not break – your ERP Cloud implementation.Webinar On-Demand Ensuring Business Continuity Through Digital Adoption

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