Tricentis Tosca Data Integrity for Oracle Data migrations & Upgrade

March 17, 2023

System downtime, Compatibility, Testing, User Training, Budget and resources are important considerations in a ERP database Upgrade project. However Business users put Data backup and recovery & Data Integrity on top of the stack. Data Integrity ensures that the data in the existing database is migrated accurately to the new database, without any loss or corruption of data. The same can be applied to the Oracle database 19c upgrade project.

                                                                  Factors Driving the Need for Oracle Data Integrity

Benefits of a Oracle Data Integrity Check

Your Oracle Application carries the most critical data of your organizations. Both IT and Users are keen to know the Impact on the quality of data in the new environment. Some of the reasons why you should undertake Oracle data integrity checks in upgrade / migration projects:

Ensuring data quality: By performing data profiling and validation checks, you can identify any data quality issues and correct them before the migration while ensuring that the data being migrated is of high quality.

Preventing data loss: By validating the data in the source system before the migration, you can ensure that all data is migrated to the target system helping to prevent data loss during the migration.

Minimizing data corruption: By performing consistency checks and data validation, you can ensure that the data in the target system is consistent with the source system while these checks help to minimize the risk of data corruption during the migration.

Ensuring compliance: Many regulatory bodies require organizations to maintain data integrity during data migrations.

De-risking: By ensuring that the data is accurate, complete, and consistent, you can reduce the risk of data-related issues in the target system helping reduce the risk of errors and issues in the target system after the migration.

Along with the data integrity checks, detailed plan has to be laid out by following data migration best practices to ensure quality is intact.

Common Asks for Data Integrity Testing When Moving to Cloud / Upgrade

  1. Data Profiling : Systematically analyze data from various sources identified for migration from Oracle Applications /Database in order to assess the cleanliness, conformity, uniqueness and duplicity of data, in order to ensure smooth migration of data to the new target landscape and the seamless functioning post migration.
  2. Data Comparison of feeds generated by new system : Comparing on-prem (legacy system) and the cloud (new)
  3. Data Reconciliation if required
  4. How data profiling and data diff reports will be published to users

What Does Tricentis Data Integrity (DI) Tests Oracle Data

Do data objects correctly represent the values? Completeness
How much data is missing? Conformity
Does the data match a specified format? Consistency
Are there data conflicts related to an object? Integrity
Are data relationships maintained? Timeliness
Is data up-to-date for the task at hand? Uniqueness
Does data repeat where it shouldn’t

How Does Tricentis Differ for Automated Data Integrity

  • Only solution in the market for automation and end to end testing across the Enterprise Data Warehouse(EDW)
  • Move from Manual SQL Scripting to scriptless model based test automation
  • Covers all reconciliation and validation tasks across the EDW from sources to stores and reporting and visualizations
  • Wizards for ease of use by any BA, Data Steward, DA, Data Engineer and others
  • Eliminates Manual Testing of High Impact Data Use Cases such as PDFs, Structured, Unstructured, and Message Data

Sample Tricentis DI Architecture for Oracle Data Integrity

The good part is the Tricentis Data Integrity solution is embedded into the Tricentis Tosca solution. End to end testing for critical Oracle applications like EBS, ERP, Fusion Cloud is seamlessly done with Tricentis Tosca.

What is Tosca Data Integrity

• Tricentis Data Integrity reconciles and validates data from Source data through ETL (Extracts, Transformations and Loads) and Conversions to the Target data. This is done at scale in a built-in proprietary in-memory/parallel data engine which is fast, processes millions to billions of data elements in minutes

• Regardless of source and target source, Data store (i.e. File, DB, Cloud), Data types (i.e. Numeric, Char, Blob, PDF, Messages)

• Tricentis Data Integrity tests NOT ONLY the data layer but also the dependencies to the data like UI layers –> API Layers -> Data Layers (True top to bottom and across the tech stacks)

• Tricentis Data Integrity utilizes Tricentis Model Based Test Automation (MBTA) to greatly speed creation, maintenance and execution of test cases

• Tricentis Data Integrity is Automated, Scriptless (Ease of Use), and Continuous this allows for rapid and continuous testing before, during and after the data processes are executed

Tricentis Tosca DI Business Impact for Oracle migration

• With Tricentis Tosca Data Integrity , conversions, migrations and merging can be accomplished in less than ½ the time with 10X the data risk coverage.

• Tricentis Data Integrity delivers an auditable, compliant, and rigorous process to the movement of data and associated data processes.

• Tricentis Data Integrity brings a level of confidence in the data that can’t be achieved without it. You can now trust the data is correct.

• Tricentis Data Integrity delivers the holy grail of testing: a full Automated regression suite for your ongoing (post conversion/migration) data and processes.

In conclusion Tricentis Tosca seamlessly eases your Oracle data integrity checks while ensuring your migration projects deliver data quality, prevent data loss and corruption, ensure compliance, and reduce the risk of errors and issues in the target system. By performing data integrity checks, you can ensure that the data being migrated is of high quality and that the migration process is successful.

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